Monday, September 26, 2011

Fabulous Five: 5 Anti-Aging Foods to Add to Your Grocery List

A dear friend of mine was asking me today about how to keep her skin looking youthful. If you can't afford to break the bank with expensive anti aging creams, try adding these to your shopping cart. They'll leave you not only looking good but feeling good too=) 

A well known super food. Filled with antioxidants and great for the skin! Grab em' by the handful or add some to your morning smoothie.
You may have noticed these little gems burst into the health food scene recently, and for good reason! Acai berries actually contain twice the amount of antioxidants than the blueberry. Try picking up acai juice at your local grocery store.
My personal favorite on the list! According to Dr. Oz the reason for this is the combination of alcohol and resveratrol. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that comes from the skin of grapes. Now don't go out getting sloshed off a bottle of wine saying you're gonna wake up ten years younger. 1 glass for women is all you need for a healthy dose of antioxidants.
Almonds are full of vitamin E which help prevent sun damage. If you're a bathing beauty try a hand full of these bad boys for added protection from UV rays. 
A few cups a day are great for sun damage or sun exposed skin. It's also filled with an antioxidant that helps prevent cancer.